LIKHITA MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS (OPC), PVT. LTD, is the official publisher of Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine.
Established is 2017, with an intent to make medical publication more user friendly and relevant to the modern world. The publication house is mainly concerned in publication of literature in the form of Journals, Books, CDs and Software, etc.
The initial step in this regard was through acquisition of innovative e journal, Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine in 2018. Since then the journal is being published by us with partnering with ejmanger. The publication house is open for providing suitable platform for young authors who would like to publish their valuable works.
The Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) is proud to announce its partnership with ejmanager, a state-of-the-art publication platform dedicated to supporting high-quality scholarly research. This collaboration empowers JRTM to further its mission of bridging the gap between traditional medicine and modern science.
Ejmanager's Cutting-Edge Technology:
Ejmanager provides JRTM with a robust and user-friendly platform that streamlines the entire publication process.Authors will benefit from features like:
- Simplified Submission: A user-friendly interface makes submitting manuscripts, including data and multimedia, a smooth experience.
- Efficient Review Process: Ejmanager facilitates a streamlined peer-review process, ensuring timely and constructive feedback for authors.
- Enhanced Visibility: The platform maximizes discoverability of published research through indexing in relevant databases and integration with scholarly search engines.
Fulfilling JRTM's Aims:
Through this partnership with ejmanager, JRTM strengthens its commitment to its core aims:
- Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Ejmanager's efficient platform expedites the publication of high-quality research on traditional medicine, fostering faster knowledge dissemination and integration with modern scientific understanding.
- Advancing the Field: The platform's user-friendly tools encourage innovative research submissions, propelling the development of traditional medicine as a legitimate field within mainstream healthcare.
- Promoting Global Exchange: Ejmanager's global reach facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers and practitioners worldwide, accelerating progress in the exploration of traditional medicine.
Ejmanager and Open Access:
It's important to confirm JRTM's specific open access policies. You can check their website or editorial guidelines to see if ejmanager facilitates any open access initiatives offered by JRTM. These initiatives could include features like free online publication or article processing fee waivers for authors from developing countries. Making traditional medicine knowledge openly accessible fosters wider adoption and a deeper understanding of these practices on a global scale.
By partnering with ejmanager, JRTM takes a significant step forward in achieving its goals. This collaboration empowers researchers and practitioners to contribute to the advancement of traditional medicine, ultimately leading to a more comprehensive and integrated approach to healthcare.
Address for communication:
XX/312, Canal Basin Road, Irinjalakuda,
Thrissur Dist.
Kerala, INDIA
+91 9037016711
Last Updated on 26/6/2023

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- ISSN: 2455-3166 (electronic)